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8 Books ALL Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners MUST READ

Writer's picture: Thailea B.Thailea B.

It can be difficult to find the time to read and listen to books, especially if you have a busy schedule. Audiobooks are a great alternative to reading! They're easy to use, just pop on a headset and you're good to go! Best of all, you can listen to them while you're driving. Plus, they're often cheaper than print books and many of them are available free on and other platforms. As an entrepreneur / creator it is hard to handle business and still practice daily enrichment so audiobooks are a good way to continue to grow your brain outside of work.

Here are a few reasons you should read or listen to audiobooks and why we think it's good for you as an entrepreneur:

  • Listening to audiobooks is a way to expand your vocabulary and learn new words. Often times you will learn some new phrases or slang that you wouldn't hear otherwise and this can help strengthen your communication with others.

  • Reading can also help you become more confident when speaking and writing. By listening to a book you are practicing your speech patterns like how you pitch your voice and speak with pauses. This can help not only with public speaking but also with your social media posts and how you communicate with your team.

  • Listening to audiobooks can help you improve your memory. Studies have shown that listening to music helps your memory as well as hearing someone speak.

  • Listening to audiobooks can help relieve stress and relax you after a long day of work.

  • Reading books daily can improve your health as you learn about the habits and practices of others. You may also learn a new hobby or find your passion in life.

Reading as a daily habit for an entrepreneur is very important for the growth of your business and personal success. It gives you an outlet to think outside of the box and helps improve your problem-solving skills and creativity. So we created a BOOKS YOU MUST READ list for every entrepreneur in any field or niche.

Those are our book recommendations, now it is your turn to tell us in the comments 1 of your "must reads". Even if it's a romance book or dirty book with spicy jargon on every page, tell us we want to hear from you!

If you love audio books as much as the rest of us. Check out SCRIBD the app for millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. You can get a feel for how good it can be with their first 30 days FREE offer. It's one of my must have apps as an entrepreneur or heck anyone that has a lot of things going on.

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Before you jet off and start working on making magic. Drop us a comment below so that we know this helped you. Thank you so much for stopping by, sure we will meet again ( wink).


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