Hello Beautiful ,
Since #Quarantine I have been cleaning excessively and today was the day that I had to clean up the Boudoir and get organized. In some sort a preparation for new content to be filmed and in hopes I can start taking Lash & Hair clients 🤞(not looking like until after May 15th 2021 ). Now let's get to the clean up 🧹 🧽 !! I always start with making a fresh batch of my cleaning solution.

DIY 100% Germ Killing Cleaning Solution
4-6 caps of Bleach
6 Caps of Pinesol
4 Caps of Dr. Bronner Peppermint Soap (or until you smell peppermint over bleach)
Enough Warm water to fill your spray bottle
*recycled an old glass cleaner spray bottle, can we say Resourceful ? Yes we can !

Now watching clean with me videos on Youtube is so much fun , therapeutic even. The way they all make it look so easy to clean/organize while filming is what made me try out my own "Clean w/ Me" video. After more then 7 takes , 2 camera switches , reformatting and erasing 3 SD Cards later , I present to you the failed results of my attempt :

Lashes worn "XXX" Silk stacked with "Intimate" 25mm Mink
Outfit : COMING SOON @lingerielashes Exclusive Short Lounge Sweats Set "
Watch the full Video here :
Fell Free to share this blog post with a friend! Thanks for stopping by , see you soon !